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Stampriet Aquifer Uranium Mining Association scenic landscape

Water is Life!
Help us protect
our groundwater.

At SAUMA, we strive to equip our community with crucial information to help protect and preserve our sole source of drinking water.

The Stampriet Transboundary Aquifer, the ONLY year-round fresh water source in the dry south-eastern part of Namibia, faces potential pollution threats from a proposed high risk uranium mining project using in situ leaching.  High risks of radioactive and toxic heavy metal contamination in our drinking water, necessitate urgent action to protect our livelihoods, wildlife, economic activities and the health of our people. Your immediate assistance is critical to stop this looming crisis.

Sustain communal and commercial farmers, villages, irrigation projects, tourism entities and protect ecosystems.

Help us protect our groundwater, which is the life-giving vein running deep within our land. 

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Stampriet Aquifer Uranium Mining Association

Born out of the need to protect our groundwater, the Stampriet Aquifer Uranium Mining Association (SAUMA) unites a community of committed Namibians, each deeply aware of the crucial role water plays within our stunning yet dry environment.   


Based in Namibia, we focus primarily on protecting the Stampriet Aquifer Basin, which is the life-giving vein running deep within our land. This aquifer sustains settlements, nourishes farms, and maintains our unique semi-desert ecosystem.

Map of Namibia indicating the Stampriet Artesian Basin

Affected Areas

Covers a total of 6.5 million hectares in Namibia. According data obtained from the NAU the basin area consists of approximately 1 300 registered title deed areas. 555 000 ha cover the area of Aminuis and the remaining land includes villages, churchground and commercial land.

Settlements and areas in Namibia dependent on the Stampriet Artesian Basin:









Irrigation projects


Tourist Lodges


of groundwater is used for irrigation and town supply


million hectares is the area covered by Exclusive Prospecting Licenses (EPL's)


of the basin is covered by EPL's


We strive to arm our people with crucial information and create a platform for them to have an active say in decisions.


We safeguard our precious underground water as it is our only source of drinking water in an arid area and protect our only water source against pollution.

springbok drinking water

To work closely with our Ministry of Agriculture to help implement legislation that protects our water sources against risks and exploitation.

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in situ leaching borehole

The dangers of in situ leaching technology.

There is a risk of uranium-rich mine solution spreading outside of the underground mine area resulting in groundwater contamination and the unpredictable impact of the mine solution on the drinking water.


It is impossible to trace where the leaked mine solution flows.


Moreover, in situ leaching dissolves considerable amounts of other radioactive elements (eg. radon, radium, plutonium, thorium etc.) and toxic heavy metals (eg. arsenic, cadmium, vanadium, lead etc.)

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Get Involved

Support SAUMA in safeguarding the Stampriet Transboundary Aquifer. Your donation helps empower our community, amplify our advocacy, underpins vital legal endeavours, and fortifies the future of our water source.

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